我が家のあきひこが店主!西表島のイタリア料理店 >>

Original Island Dish by Akihiko vol.3 *after fishing*



Hi! 🌺
Akihiko cooked the fish we caught the other day! ✨(≧▽≦)

So, I'd like to talk about fishing dish this time~.

🐟Please also check the bellow🐟

ていさん家の島ぐらし / 沖縄西表...
Iriomote Fishing Journal ~1st fishing~ | ていさん家の島ぐらし / 沖縄西表島情報! After moving to Iriomote island, we were busy with unpacking, tidying up and being used to our new job. Because Akihiko'

<Review> Result of fishing

Well, let's recall how many fish we got~🎣
Here are all the fish caught by two of us, our guide and junior high school boy (son of our guide)~!!

Look at this!!!! ✨
So many~~~!! Yayayay!💕( *´艸`)💕

Small red fish is bananafish.
When you see this fish right after catching, its color is blue, but later it becomes red maybe because of stress??

First I didn't know the reason of color change, I was panicked assuming bananafish bleed. (^^;)💦

Oh, and I forgot to mention, but did you notice this huge fish on the top in the pic??

This big one is "green jobfish" caught by our guides using bananafish as a live bait!

As green jobfish is very powerful, it was really tough fight to catch it! ✨🐟
Our fishing tackles are not strong enough, so we cannot challenge fighting though....

There're lots of those big and powerful fish around Iriomote island!!

What a dreamy story, isn't it?!
I wish I could catch by myself in future!! (≧▽≦)✊✨

...well, let's get back on topic. lol

As we caught this much, we had celebration dinner at our guide's home.㊗🍶
He cooked for us sashimi, fried fish and so on.
All of them were very delicious!! 💕🍴

Then we took home the rest middle to small size fish.

Hard work to dress all fish!

We were very happy to bring back lots of fish home, but hard work was waiting for us (...actually, not for me, but for Akihiko. (^ ω ^;))

As the size of fish were middle to small, it was a really time-consuming to dress them.

Especially, bananafish were a struggle! 🐟
I had thought they were very energetic, and I knew its reason!
That is because bananafish have plenty of small bones!

Because it's really tough to take out all the bones, people in Okinawa usually make them fried.
If you try to make them sashimi, you need so much time to prepare.

Though I do like very crispy fried bananafish, this time, Akihiko tried his best to make sashimi~✨🍴( ;∀;)
Look at this beautiful raw bananafish!

Thank you, Akihiko!!💕(≧▽≦)💕

Roasted bananafish salad

After taking out all the bones with efforts, Akihiko roasted bananafish and mixed with vegetables!

・Sashimi of bananafish
・Gynura bicolor
・Wine vinegar
・Black pepper

This bananafish was so fresh that you could have eaten as raw.
But because it was roasted slightly, you could enjoy tasty flavor~💕

Besides, vegetables he used this time was Gynura bicolor which is called "Handama" in Yaeyama islands and its fragrant is also strong and unique.
Handama gave a nice accent to the dish.

With Akihiko's original dressing, I really enjoyed this salad~!
Delicious! ✨(*´▽`*)

Sashimi rice bowl

Main dish was sashimi rice bowl!
If you like fish dish, you cannot miss it! ( *´艸`)💕

・Variola louti
・Gynura bicolor

I was really happy to have rice bowl with plenty of fresh sashimi! ♬(≧▽≦)🍴

This picture is mine, but if you saw Akihiko's bowl, you might have been surprised.
Akihiko put tons of sashimi on top of rice... lol ( *´艸`)🐟

It was also really tasty!!!

Ah, I'm so lucky to have delicious dish cooked from fish we catch.

(Well, it's true that we can never eat fish unless you catch them by themselves...(;^ω^) (also check bellow☆ ) )

ていさん家の島ぐらし / 沖縄西表...
Though island, NO fish at store in Iriomote!? | ていさん家の島ぐらし / 沖縄西表島情報! We're asked following questions from our friends, who know our hobby is fishing. 「Do you often go fishing?」🎣「You

When you come to Iriomote island, let's go fishing and enjoy yummy fresh fish dish together~♡(*´▽`*)/🎣

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