我が家のあきひこが店主!西表島のイタリア料理店 >>

Original Island Dish by Akihiko vol.5 ~Pasta~




I'd like to show you pasta menu this time♬(*´ω`*)
Akihiko now cooks many kind of dishes, but his favorite at first was Italian.✨🍝

Here're pasta with ingredients of Iriomote island.
Well,,, I'm already starving!!(≧▽≦)


Aglio olio of "Otani watari" & island gourd

The top pic is this one.💕🍴

・Asplenium antiquum Makino ("Otani watari")
・Cherry tomate
・Red pepper
・Olive oil
・White Wine

Akihiko put many vegetables grown in Iriomote island! Very healthy~🍀(≧▽≦)

Although Akihiko loves simple Aglio olio with good flavor of garlic and olive oil, I do like pasta with lots of vegetables or meat.💕( *´艸`)

This vegetable pasta was really yummy as you could taste delicious flavor of each vege.✨🍴

It was surprising to know Otani watari goes well with pasta!✨(*´ω`*)
I'd like to eat it again~♬

Carbonara? No! "Miso"bonara!

What kind of pasta do you think of from this pic?


Yes, this is carbonara, but not ordinary one at all!

・Pork marinated in "miso koji"
・White wine
・Black pepper

Usually, carbonara is made from eggs and Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese.

But here in Iriomote island, it's really difficult to get cheese of your choice.🧀

So we hadn't been able to have cheese pasta since we moved to here, but we could get good pork this time! That's why Akihiko made carbonara from cheese (not Parmigiano-Reggiano). 💪✨

It was... very very delicious!! 💕(≧▽≦)💕

Miso koji, made from fermented sorbeans, added deap flavor which reasonable cheese is lack of.

Writing this blog, I remember good taste of this "miso"bonara...(*´ω`*)

I'd like to eat it again!!!! ♬( *´艸`)💕

🧀Check the price of cheese etc in Iriomote🧀

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