我が家のあきひこが店主!西表島のイタリア料理店 >>

Access & Good value plan to Mariyudu & Kanbire Waterfall.




Speaking of Iriomote island, you cannot forget about jungle!

Most of the Iriomote jungle is undeveloped and there are almost no paved streets.

Even to the famous waterfalls, you need to walk through animal trails.🌴 So it's almost impossible to get there without nature guides.

Among the waterfalls, however, do you know there's one you can go by yourself?

It is Mariyudu & Kanbire waterfalls!

We got to get there a few weeks ago! (≧▽≦)♬
So I'd like to inform you about this~🌟(*´ω`*)


Where're Mariyudu & Kanbire waterfalls?

Mariyudu waterfall and Kanbire(Kanpire) waterfall are located upper stream of Urauchi river, which is the longest river in Okinawa.

Its length is about 39km.

Thanks to its rich nature with lots of mangrove, there live about 407 species of fish and it's the best in Japan!

Mariyudu waterfall is located about 10km from downstream boat dock of such great Urauchi river.

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