我が家のあきひこが店主!西表島のイタリア料理店 >>

Can we use the Internet on island?



This time, I'd like to talk about Internet speed on Yaeyama islands, Okinawa as I was asked the above question a lot until now. 😉


Can we use Smart phone?

Well, before telling you about the Internet, I'd like to answer your question whether we could smart phone or not.

Although it's far from Okinawa main island, located on far west of Iriomote Island, you can use smart phone normally!

However, there's some difference according to carrier and place, so please keep in mind the bellow;

auWell used(Base station is in Funauki)🌟
softbankNo connection when indoor

Without problem, I'm using MVNO smart phone with au Internet connection.

However, Akihiko uses softbank Internet connection and his phone cannot be used in some area such as his office...

Because au had paid lots of attention to island area of Okinawa before, many of people in island use au Internet connection service.🌴

Still ADSL in western Iriomote (till May.2019)

Sounds nostalgic?

As of Apr. 2019, Internet connection is different depends on Island and area like the bellow;

Hateruma Is.Fibre-opticJul.2018
Kohama Is. Fibre-optic
Kuro Is. Fibre-optic
Iriomote Is. (East) Fibre-optic
Iriomote Is. (West)ADSLJun.2019
Taketomi Is.ADSL2020

You cannot use Fibre-optic connection yet in western Iriomote.

"Why not~~~?!?!"
We also thought so, but can't do anything but wait, can we?

Also, out of WiMax signal area

Hearing there's no fibre-optic connection, we tried to contract mobile router service.

Surprisingly, not only fibre-optic, but also WiMax is out of service in western Iriomote!!

Can't we use WiFi either on Iriomote Island?!
How can we use internet there?! Is ADSL only one choice?!

4G LTE connection is available♬

As I told you before, au base station is located in western Iriomote.
Thanks to this, you can use 4G LTE connection by au without big trouble.

We bought the LTE router in Mar. 2019.
At that time, mineo is the only choice for au data connection.

We're now using smoothly, but if you play online game or watch movie a lot, LTE connection might be not enough for you as it's only 30G / month.

Fibre-optic is ready NOW♬


It's officially announced that the fibre-optic connection is ready to come in 2019 and it has come truly!

In mid-May, I attended info session and heard about the service.

You can use fibre-optic connection service now~!

Another choice, Taketomi Town Free WiFi

I haven't talked about free Internet service yet.
Here in Taketomi town, we have Free WiFi service earlier than Ishigaki city.

You can use it in such as waiting area of port and public accommodations.

I think this service is very useful especially in the island like here.

Choose the Internet service whichever fits you and let's make most of it!
Have a wonderful island Internet life!

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